
From Project Einherjar


Job Base: Mercenary
Job Type: 2-2 Transcendent

Job Change

Talk to the Outlaw in Valhalla as a Job 50 High Pirate.

Class Data


Name Description Max Level Type
Aim Bot.png Aim Bot Self-buff. Automatically attack nearby targets with Headshot, Armshot or Legshot based on level learned up to (SkillLv), auto skills consume SP and bullets as well as apply effects. Skill cast delay is based on SkillLv up to (175+(25*SkillLv)) APM. 5 Offensive
Requiem.png Requiem Fires a long range shot that deals 250% ATK Damage. Applies either Headshot, Legshot or Armshot. (ca.10sec cooldown) 1 Offensive
Death Mark.png Death Mark Marks a target increasing all damage to them for 6 seconds then detonates dealing damage increasing with damage taken by monster while mark was active, the damage dealt ignores all resistances. (7sec cooldown) 5 Offensive
Endless Needles.png Endless Needles The next (10*SkillLv) Skills and Normal Attacks hits (so 5*SkillLv when dual wielding) reduce crtiical damage modifiers by 20% but are guaranteed to be a CRIT. Normal attacks ignore additional flee scaling with Precision 5 Offensive
Arcane Barrage.png Arcane Barrage Increases max Apm by 100 and APM by 2% per level of Reload Mastery, but reduce Base Atk by 20%, drains 1 Sp every second. 1 Active
Meteor Smash.png Meteor Smash Self-buff. Adds a ((SkillLV*5)+(Agi*SkillLv/10))% dealing additional ((SkillLv*15)+(Luk*SkillLv/3)) Flat + (SkillLV*15)% damage with regular attacks, hitting twice when dual wielding. 5 Supportive

Job Bonuses

Stat +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
AGI 2 7 12 16 21 27 37 40 44 49 54 57
INT 3 19 23 34 47
DEX 4 9 13 18 22 29 38 41 45 51 55 59 64 66 68
LUK 5 10 15 20 25 35 39 43 48 53 56 63