
From Project Einherjar
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Omniblade.png Omniblade
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Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5


Dash between random targets in a (1+2*SkillLv) area (SkillLv*2) times with a delay based on distance between each target dealing (75+(10*SkillLv)+(Agi*SkillLv/10)+(SkillLv*(150-Movement Speed)/10))% Damage in a line. Can hit the same target up to (SkillLv+1) Times. Between each dash the search area gets slightly larger. Between Cast gain (25+10*SkillLv)% Damage Reduction. Other skills are usable for the entire duration of Omniblade.

Level Damage % Hits Repeat Hits Damage Reduction %
1 85~220% 2 Hits 2 Hits 30%
2 95~290% 4 Hits 3 Hits 35%
3 105~360% 6 Hits 4 Hits 40%
4 115~430% 8 Hits 5 Hits 45%
5 125~500% 10 Hits 6 Hits 50%