Custom Classes

From Project Einherjar
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What class should I play? We get that question a lot, hopefully this quick overview will help you decide. Of course, the original classes still exist, so something like a Hunter for a starter is as good as it always was.

Below are the main weapons, features and perks of every class, as well as their beginning gear requirement, naturally almost every class will need heavy investment for late game.


Weapon: Rod.

Summons a small army. Self-sufficient. Can go Lich King and give up summons.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: Dagger, Huuma

Ninja done right! Physical or Magical path option. Natural survivability, huge magic AoEs.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: 2h Axe and Dual Wield Axes.

Self-buff management as a resource to stay alive. Berserker style, more damage when near death.

High gear investment.


Weapon: Sword+Pistol or Dagger+Pistol.

Defacto Farmer. Glass Cannon DPS. Crits, stealing.

High gear investment.


Weapon: Spear, 2h Spear, Dagger.

Ultimate tank, low offensive power.

Low gear investment.

Ronin/Ronin Legend

Weapon: Sword.

Very mobile. Weeb class.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: Rod, Book.

1 Summon at a time, strong party/self buffs. Strong single target spammable, spread damage bomb.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: Rod, Book.

Fast cast element weaving, some support. Red Mage, can substitute a Priest in a pinch

Low gear investment.


Weapon: Dual Wield Pistols.

Single target, Crits, debuffs on shots. Elemental bullets can be costly.

High gear investment.


Weapon: Spear, 2h Spear, Dagger.

Pet master or Brawler/off-tank.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: 2h Sword.

Brawler, AoE around self, sustain. Rough early but gets infinite SP after rebirth.

Low gear investment.


Weapon: Rod

Crowd Control master. AoE around self.

Low gear investment.