Buccaneer Platinum Skill Quests

From Project Einherjar
Revision as of 22:01, 23 December 2022 by Lonelyeditor (talk | contribs) (Jolly Roger)


  • Talk to Stepan inside the Sunken Ship ( treasure01 30/43 ), he will ask you to parley with Jones for his treasure map.
  • Head to Alberta Island ( alb2trea 105/95 ) and talk to Jones, give him 1 Egg in exchange for the map.
  • Return to Stepan and deliver the map.

Forced Entry

[quest not available] once you have transcended talk to Platinum Skill NPC (bottom left building near Prontera middle fountain)

Jolly Roger

  • As a Buccaneer, board the international airship line, which can be accessed in Yuno, Izlude or Rachel.

Wait for the airship to be invaded by monsters and talk to the Airship Captain (airplane_01 238 154).

  • He will notice you are an aspiring captain and will ask you to help him clear his ship.
  • Go and kill at least one Beholder and one Gremlin.
  • Talk to the airship captain again and he will thank you for your help and give you the Jolly Roger skill, which calls in a bombardment of cannon balls from his ship.

note: If you kill at least four Beholders and Four Gremlins, he will give you a costume Ferlock's Hat as an additional prize for doing such a great job.