Difference between revisions of "PatchNotes"

From Project Einherjar
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== Latest ==
== Latest ==
=== General ===
=== General ===
* Stun minimum duration increased from 0.01 -> 0.1 seconds
* Fixed Slow Cast decreasing Cast Time
* Adjusted SP cost across many skills
* Fixed a bug with Attack Ele Change Rate, including Crafted Gear, being applied twice.
* Fixed Horror Toy Factory being Unenterable
* Critical Wounds now reduces All Healing
* Added a Settings NPC in same room as Daily Rewards
* Horror Toy Factory Rewards scale more aggressively with number of players
* Disabled Culvert Raid
=== Casting Changes ===
=== Items ===
* Cast Time change from (Cast Time * (100 - Cast Reduction)) * (160 - Dex) / 10000 -> (Cast Time * 1500 / (1500 + Cast Reduction * Cast Reduction)) * 3500 / (3500 + Dex * Dex) * 7500 / (7500 + Job Level * Job Level)
* Updated Mystical Card Album
* Cast Delay changed from (Cast Delay * (100 - Delay Reduction)) / 100 -> (Cast Delay * 1000 / (1000 + Delay Reduction * Delay Reduction))
* Updated Old Card Album
* Number of Hit to stop cast increased from 1 -> 10
* Sealed Mind Box now drops Gold Bullion
* HP Loss to stop cast increased from Flat 1 -> 10%
=== Monster ===
* Fallen Bishop now cast Grasp Heart
=== Mage ===
* Stone Curse range increased from 2 -> [2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5]
* Napalm Beat damage increase with Soul Strike Level against undead
=== Sage ===
* Deluge buff now removes Burning
* Violent Gale buff now removes Stun
* Volcano buff now removes Freeze
* Double Cast now works with Earth Spikes
=== Guilds ===
=== Wizard ===
* Adjusted Guild Exp at levels 45~49 from [1999,1999,1999,1999,1999] Million Exp -> [1982,2072,2164,2258,2354] Million Exp
* Fixed Amp Magic Increasing Damage by 4x
* LOV Cast Time reduced from (15.5 - 0.5*SkillLv) Second -> 10 Second
* LOV damage increased from (320 + 80*SkillLv) -> (400 + 80*SkillLv)
* Meteors Storm Cast time reduced from 15 -> 12 Seconds
* Meteors Storm damage increased from 100 -> 125% per hit
* Meteors Storm meteor interval reduced from 1 -> 0.75 seconds
* Meteors Storm total meteor duration reduced by 25%
* Storm gust Cast time Changed from (5+1*SkillLv) Seconds -> (6+0.5*SkillLv) Seconds
* Quagmire no longer removes True Sight or Loud Exclamation
* Gravitation Field no longer requires Blue Gemstone
* Sight Thrasher now hits Hidden
* Sight Thrasher no longer hits Traps
* Sight Thrasher now reveals hidden in area of effect
* Napalm Vulcan damage increase with Soul Strike Level against undead
=== Archer ===
* Double Strafe damage increased from (160 + (20*SkillLv))% -> (200 + (20*SkillLv))%
* Arrow Shower damage increased from (75 + (5*SkillLv))% -> (100 + (10*SkillLv))%
* Charge Arrow damage increased from 150% -> 175%
=== Hunter ===
* Blitz Beat no longer Hits Traps
* Steel Crow Max Level lowered to 5
* Steel Crow bonus damage changed from (6*Skilllv) -> (3*SkillLv/5*Cast Skill Level) Atk% + (2*SkillLv)
* Sharp Shooting cast time reduced from 2 -> 1.5 Seconds
* Sharp Shooting cast delay reduced from 1.5 -> 1 Second
* Beast Strafing now deals damage equal to 1 hit of Double Strafe + (Str*8)%
* Increased Freezing Trap damage from (50 + 10*SkillLv)% -> (50*SkillLv)%
=== Mobs ===
=== Acolyte ===  
* Fixed Kimi's Phantom not being MVP
* Cure now removes Burning
* Adjusted Golden Scaraba Mobs Levels, Def and Mdef
* Cure now removes Critical Wounds
* Cure now removes Decaying Touch
=== Items ===
=== Priest ===
* Costume Headgear ignore item restrictions
* Magnus Exorcismus cast time reduced from 15 -> 10 seconds
* New elemental stones are now classified as cards
* Magnus Exorcismus now its Undead and Demon Races and Hit Shadow, Ghost and Undead Elements
* Fixed Old Yangsan only wearable by 1st jobs
* Fixed Costume Red Bonnet requiring level 100
* Sword of Lore Bonus Xp Decreased from 50% -> 25%
=== Enchanting ===
=== Monk ===
* Fixed Sustain not working on ranged attacks
* Asura Cast Time no longer reduced by Items (only dex and status)
=== Super Novice ===
=== Assassin ===
* No longer can learn Two Handed Sword Mastery
* Sonic Blow no longer ignores cast delay Status Effects
* Wild Swing now require Sword Mastery level 5
* Sonic Blow missing HP damage now only applies with Katar
* Sonic Blow now cast able when dual wielding weapons
* Grimtooth now cast able when dual wielding weapons
* Grimtooth Rolls Status Effect Chance twice with Katar
* Grimtooth now cast-able from Cloaking
* Venom Splasher no longer has an HP check
* Venom Splasher Increase damage from Poison damage by 25% (including Poison and Deadly Poison)
* Venom Splasher At end of duration deals 100% bonus damage damage taken again to target.
* Soul Breaker increases Venom Splashers bonus poison damage is doubled and detonates it early.
* Enchant Poison chance now additive with Venom Knife, Venom Splasher and Envenom
* Enchant Poison is now applied on Grimtooth, rolls twice with with katar
* Enchant Poison is now applied on Sonic Blow, rolls once per hit katar
* Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Venom Knife, Venom Splasher and Envenom
* Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Grimtooth, rolls twice with katar
* Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Sonic Blow, rolls once per hit with katar
* Enchant Deadly Poison bonus damage reduced from (50+50*SkillLv)% -> (40*SkillLv)%
* Enchant Deadly Poison duration increased from (35+5*SkillLv) -> (20+20*SkillLv) Seconds
* Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage is now poison property
* Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage against MVPs is 1%
* Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage now capped 99999
=== Thief ===
=== Rogue ===
* Added Sound Trigger on Successful Steal
* Fixed Grand cross of Darkness being Copy-able
=== Sage ===
=== Ninja ===
* Memorize now reduces cast time by 1/2 original cast time after other reductions
* Water Technique buff now removes Burning
=== Taekwon ===
=== Taekwon ===
* Fixed Bug with Warm Wind showing multiple active
* Fixed Jump Kick dealing (50*SkillLv)% to much damage in certain situations
* Fixed Bonus 100 bonus damage from Mission 140+ always applying
=== Ronin ===
* Blazing Strike is now usable with Dagger
* Kenjustu no longer usable with Dagger
* Silent Strike damage increased from (125 + 75*SkillLv)% -> (75 + 125*SkillLv)%
* Silent Strike damage increased from by (60*SkillLv)% when silencing
* Fixed Silent Strike damage increase with speed
* Updated Silent Strike Description to show full power range
* Blazing Strike Cooldown lowered to 0.75
* Blazing Strike damage changed from (150 + 100*SkillLv)% -> (200*SkillLv)%
* Blazing Strike bonus damage changed from (125 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100*SkillLv)%
* Updated Blazing Strike Description to show full power range
* When in Iaijutsu Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Omniblade target with reduced cooldown
* When in Iaijutsu Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Drawstrike target for 0.5 seconds
* When in Fudoshin Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Stealth Guard target for 0.5 seconds
* Fixed Fudoshin Stun Duration
=== Samurai ===
=== Shogun ===
* Wild Swing now usable with dagger
* Heavy Cleave damage increased from (100 + 75*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 100*SkillLv)%
* Wild Swing Delayed decreased from 0.160 -> 0.125 Seconds
* Tsunami Drop base damage increased from (25*SkillLv)% -> (50*SkillLv)%
* Tsunami Drop base damage tripled after Combo
=== Ronin ===
* Tsunami Drop cooldown increased from 0 -> 1 second
* Silent Strike is now Weapon property
* Submission damage increased from (100 + 15*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 30*SkillLv)%
* Silent Strike damage changed from (200 + 50*SkillLv)% -> (125 + 75*SkillLv)%
* Submission break chance increased from (5*SkillLv)% -> (10*SkillLv)%
* Silent Strike Wind Double Damage is now before Movement Speed Bonus
* Submission now also Stuns target
* Blazing Strike is now Weapon property
* Crippling Blow damage increased from (100 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 50*SkillLv)%
* Blazing Strike damage increased from (125 + 75*SkillLv)% -> (150 + 100*SkillLv)%
* Death Charge can now combo into Submission -> Crippling Blow -> Tsunami Drop, can be started from Submissions as well
* Blazing Strike Fire Double Damage is now before Blind Bonus Damage
* Living Death resets cooldown on Heavy Cleave, Tiger Crush, Death Charge and Sword Quake on kill
* Blazing Strike Cooldown Deceased from (3.5 - (0.5 * SkillLv)) Seconds -> (2 - (0.25 * SkillLv)) Seconds
* Sword Quake now weapon Property
* Sword Quake cooldown increased from 0.5 -> 2 seconds
* Sword Quake damage increased from (100 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 60*SkillLv)%
* Fear now increases damage of Submission, Crippling Blow, and Tsunami Drop by (SkillLv*10)%
* Confusion now increases damage of Sword Quake, Heavy Cleave and Tiger Crush by (SkillLv*10)%
* Natural Healing now removes Critical Wounds
=== Mercenary ===
=== Mercenary ===
* Increased Meteor Shot damage from (10*SkillLv)% + (10*SkillLv) + (Int * SkillLv/5) -> (15*SkillLv)+ (15*SkillLv) + (Luk * SkillLv/3)
* Killer Instinct now properly Scales with Missing HP
* Deathmark no longer capped at 1 damage vs targets with more then 100 Def only Inf def targets
* Deathmark Base Damage increased from (100 + 50*SkillLv)% -> (100*SkillLv)%
* Aimbot Ends on Teleport
=== Buccaneer ===
=== Macabre ===
* Fixed Plunder Loot being only Gemstones
* Doom damaged capped at 1 against Inf mdef targets
* Added Sound Trigger on Successful Bribe
* Doom Mdef resistance reduced from 66% Mdef -> 50% Mdef
* Added Sound Trigger on Successful Ransack
* Psychic Massacre reduced cast time from 7 -> 5 seconds
* Added Sound Trigger on Successful Extortion
=== Necromancer ===
* Fixed Grasp Heart not having a Status Icon
* Fixed Decaying Touch double dipping on some healing reductions
* Familiar now given via Plat Skill NPC
=== Draconier ===
* Fixed Dragon Rot % hp damage doing nothing
* Shadow Mantle damage increased by 0.5% per dragon rot stack
* Shadow Mantle now deals 100% attack damage (as magic damage)
=== Macabre ===
* Talisman Skills now have a success animation
== Full Patch List ==
== Full Patch List ==

Revision as of 13:26, 23 March 2022



  • Fixed Slow Cast decreasing Cast Time
  • Fixed a bug with Attack Ele Change Rate, including Crafted Gear, being applied twice.
  • Critical Wounds now reduces All Healing
  • Horror Toy Factory Rewards scale more aggressively with number of players
  • Disabled Culvert Raid


  • Updated Mystical Card Album
  • Updated Old Card Album
  • Sealed Mind Box now drops Gold Bullion


  • Fallen Bishop now cast Grasp Heart


  • Stone Curse range increased from 2 -> [2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5]
  • Napalm Beat damage increase with Soul Strike Level against undead


  • Deluge buff now removes Burning
  • Violent Gale buff now removes Stun
  • Volcano buff now removes Freeze
  • Double Cast now works with Earth Spikes


  • Fixed Amp Magic Increasing Damage by 4x
  • LOV Cast Time reduced from (15.5 - 0.5*SkillLv) Second -> 10 Second
  • LOV damage increased from (320 + 80*SkillLv) -> (400 + 80*SkillLv)
  • Meteors Storm Cast time reduced from 15 -> 12 Seconds
  • Meteors Storm damage increased from 100 -> 125% per hit
  • Meteors Storm meteor interval reduced from 1 -> 0.75 seconds
  • Meteors Storm total meteor duration reduced by 25%
  • Storm gust Cast time Changed from (5+1*SkillLv) Seconds -> (6+0.5*SkillLv) Seconds
  • Quagmire no longer removes True Sight or Loud Exclamation
  • Gravitation Field no longer requires Blue Gemstone
  • Sight Thrasher now hits Hidden
  • Sight Thrasher no longer hits Traps
  • Sight Thrasher now reveals hidden in area of effect
  • Napalm Vulcan damage increase with Soul Strike Level against undead


  • Double Strafe damage increased from (160 + (20*SkillLv))% -> (200 + (20*SkillLv))%
  • Arrow Shower damage increased from (75 + (5*SkillLv))% -> (100 + (10*SkillLv))%
  • Charge Arrow damage increased from 150% -> 175%


  • Blitz Beat no longer Hits Traps
  • Steel Crow Max Level lowered to 5
  • Steel Crow bonus damage changed from (6*Skilllv) -> (3*SkillLv/5*Cast Skill Level) Atk% + (2*SkillLv)
  • Sharp Shooting cast time reduced from 2 -> 1.5 Seconds
  • Sharp Shooting cast delay reduced from 1.5 -> 1 Second
  • Beast Strafing now deals damage equal to 1 hit of Double Strafe + (Str*8)%
  • Increased Freezing Trap damage from (50 + 10*SkillLv)% -> (50*SkillLv)%


  • Cure now removes Burning
  • Cure now removes Critical Wounds
  • Cure now removes Decaying Touch


  • Magnus Exorcismus cast time reduced from 15 -> 10 seconds
  • Magnus Exorcismus now its Undead and Demon Races and Hit Shadow, Ghost and Undead Elements


  • Asura Cast Time no longer reduced by Items (only dex and status)


  • Sonic Blow no longer ignores cast delay Status Effects
  • Sonic Blow missing HP damage now only applies with Katar
  • Sonic Blow now cast able when dual wielding weapons
  • Grimtooth now cast able when dual wielding weapons
  • Grimtooth Rolls Status Effect Chance twice with Katar
  • Grimtooth now cast-able from Cloaking
  • Venom Splasher no longer has an HP check
  • Venom Splasher Increase damage from Poison damage by 25% (including Poison and Deadly Poison)
  • Venom Splasher At end of duration deals 100% bonus damage damage taken again to target.
  • Soul Breaker increases Venom Splashers bonus poison damage is doubled and detonates it early.
  • Enchant Poison chance now additive with Venom Knife, Venom Splasher and Envenom
  • Enchant Poison is now applied on Grimtooth, rolls twice with with katar
  • Enchant Poison is now applied on Sonic Blow, rolls once per hit katar
  • Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Venom Knife, Venom Splasher and Envenom
  • Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Grimtooth, rolls twice with katar
  • Enchant Deadly Poison is now applied on Sonic Blow, rolls once per hit with katar
  • Enchant Deadly Poison bonus damage reduced from (50+50*SkillLv)% -> (40*SkillLv)%
  • Enchant Deadly Poison duration increased from (35+5*SkillLv) -> (20+20*SkillLv) Seconds
  • Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage is now poison property
  • Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage against MVPs is 1%
  • Enchant Deadly Poison Initial damage now capped 99999


  • Fixed Grand cross of Darkness being Copy-able


  • Water Technique buff now removes Burning


  • Fixed Jump Kick dealing (50*SkillLv)% to much damage in certain situations
  • Fixed Bonus 100 bonus damage from Mission 140+ always applying


  • Blazing Strike is now usable with Dagger
  • Kenjustu no longer usable with Dagger
  • Silent Strike damage increased from (125 + 75*SkillLv)% -> (75 + 125*SkillLv)%
  • Silent Strike damage increased from by (60*SkillLv)% when silencing
  • Fixed Silent Strike damage increase with speed
  • Updated Silent Strike Description to show full power range
  • Blazing Strike Cooldown lowered to 0.75
  • Blazing Strike damage changed from (150 + 100*SkillLv)% -> (200*SkillLv)%
  • Blazing Strike bonus damage changed from (125 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100*SkillLv)%
  • Updated Blazing Strike Description to show full power range
  • When in Iaijutsu Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Omniblade target with reduced cooldown
  • When in Iaijutsu Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Drawstrike target for 0.5 seconds
  • When in Fudoshin Blazing Strike and Silent Strike now auto target Stealth Guard target for 0.5 seconds
  • Fixed Fudoshin Stun Duration


  • Heavy Cleave damage increased from (100 + 75*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 100*SkillLv)%
  • Tsunami Drop base damage increased from (25*SkillLv)% -> (50*SkillLv)%
  • Tsunami Drop base damage tripled after Combo
  • Tsunami Drop cooldown increased from 0 -> 1 second
  • Submission damage increased from (100 + 15*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 30*SkillLv)%
  • Submission break chance increased from (5*SkillLv)% -> (10*SkillLv)%
  • Submission now also Stuns target
  • Crippling Blow damage increased from (100 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 50*SkillLv)%
  • Death Charge can now combo into Submission -> Crippling Blow -> Tsunami Drop, can be started from Submissions as well
  • Living Death resets cooldown on Heavy Cleave, Tiger Crush, Death Charge and Sword Quake on kill
  • Sword Quake now weapon Property
  • Sword Quake cooldown increased from 0.5 -> 2 seconds
  • Sword Quake damage increased from (100 + 25*SkillLv)% -> (100 + 60*SkillLv)%
  • Fear now increases damage of Submission, Crippling Blow, and Tsunami Drop by (SkillLv*10)%
  • Confusion now increases damage of Sword Quake, Heavy Cleave and Tiger Crush by (SkillLv*10)%
  • Natural Healing now removes Critical Wounds


  • Killer Instinct now properly Scales with Missing HP
  • Deathmark no longer capped at 1 damage vs targets with more then 100 Def only Inf def targets
  • Deathmark Base Damage increased from (100 + 50*SkillLv)% -> (100*SkillLv)%
  • Aimbot Ends on Teleport


  • Doom damaged capped at 1 against Inf mdef targets
  • Doom Mdef resistance reduced from 66% Mdef -> 50% Mdef
  • Psychic Massacre reduced cast time from 7 -> 5 seconds


  • Fixed Grasp Heart not having a Status Icon
  • Fixed Decaying Touch double dipping on some healing reductions
  • Familiar now given via Plat Skill NPC

Full Patch List