
From Project Einherjar


Job Base: Phalanx
Job Type: 2-1 Transcendent

Job Change[edit]

Talk to the Centurion in Valhalla as a Job 50 High Spearman.

Class Data[edit]


Name Description Max Level Type
Stone Skin.png Stone Skin Increase Max Hp by (SkillLV*20) per Def from Armor and Shield. 5 Passive
Iron Blood.png Iron Blood Increase Atk by ((Armor Weight + Shield Weight)/5) 1 Passive
Stand Behind.png Stand Behind Leap to Ally increasing their Def and M.Def by 3 + (SkillLV * 2)% of your Def/M.Def. 5 Supportive
Come At Me.png Come At Me Applies Level of Provoke known to all targets in a small Area. 5 Supportive
Impenetrable Shell.png Impenetrable Shell Reduce All incoming damage by 10% then further reducing Physical damage by ((Def/2)% + (Vit Def * Def / 50)) and Magic damage by ((Mdef/2)% + (Int Mdef * Mdef / 50)). 1 Supportive
Instinct Spear.png Instinct Spear Small chance to auto cast a random Spear/Shield Skill already learned when attacking. 1 Passive
Giant Growth.png Giant Growth Increase Max HP by (3 + SkillLV + SkillLV*SkillLV/2)% and heals for 33% the HP it increases. 5 Supportive

Job Bonuses[edit]

Stat +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17
STR 2 3 6 14 29 55 57 66 67
VIT 4 5 18 20 25 27 32 34 38 40 46 47 48 50 53 62 69
INT 9 11 16 17 35 41 42 43
DEX 7 13 22 30 36 44 52 60
LUK 15 37 64