
From Project Einherjar
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Necrosis.png Necrosis
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Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
Dark Summoning Lv. 1, Necromancy Lv. 1


While active drains 10 SP every 10 Seconds and spells apply Necrosis to target. Targets that die under Necrosis remain as a Corpse for 90 Seconds at a (SkillLv*5+5)% chance. Targets effected by Necrosis take (2*SkillLv)% bonus damage from non-player undead race."
When undead physically damage targets affected by necrosis they recover HP.

Level Corpse Chance %
1 5%
2 10%
3 15%
4 20%
5 25%
  • The Healing only apply to Undead Race and not Undead Property.

Zombie Status[edit]

Monster Stat Conversion of Master Stats
Max HP (666 + Master's max SP + Master's min mAtk + Master's max mAtk) * Zombie Level/100
Str/Agi/Vit/Int/Dex/Luk Same as Master's
Atk Int + Master's min mAtk/2 ~ Int + Master's min mAtk
Matk Master's min mAtk ~ Master's max mAtk
Def lowest of either (Master's Int OR 30 + Master's Int/30)
Mdef lowest of either (Master's Int OR 30 + Master's Int/30)
Hit Master's Hit + Master's Int
Flee Master's Flee