Art of Fudoshin

From Project Einherjar
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Art of Fudoshin.png Art of Fudoshin
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Type: Active Skill
Levels: 7


While this Stance is active, the user can ignore/negate Knockback and Stun by (15*SkillLV)% chance.

When you block an attack with Reflex Guard, you counter and deal (25*Skilllv)% damage to the opponent and increases the Sp regained by (2+4*SkillLv).

Additionally there is a (3+SkillLv) % chance of stunning target with Draw Strike, Blazing Strike and Omniblade.

Reduce Incoming Damage by (3+SkillLv)%.

Stun chance reduced by 1/2 for AOE skills.

This skill can be used while stunned to break free of stun.

Only one Stance can be active at a time.

Level Ignore Knockback and Stun Chance % Counter Damage % SP Regained Stun Chance %** Damage Reduction %
1 +15% 25% 6 SP 4%** 4%
2 +30% 50% 10 SP 5%** 5%
3 +45% 75% 14 SP 6%** 6%
4 +60% 100% 18 SP 7%** 7%
5 +75% 125% 22 SP 8%** 8%
6 +90% 150% 26 SP 9%** 9%
7 +105% 175% 30 SP 10%** 10%
** Formula of Stun Chance from some Skills may be incorrect as ingame description shows different math result of (6*SkillLV) despite the description saying (3+SkillLv) %.